Monday, September 30, 2019

In this chapter the writer uses the setting of the chapter to explain the feeling of all the main characters Essay

In this chapter the writer uses the setting of the chapter to explain the feeling of all the main characters. When we first meet the family they are walking down a road which is all dirty and surrounded by dirt. The nature around them is dying out or rotting. This we can apply to both characters feeling; Micheal feels like his marriage spoiled or ruined his chance of a good life or any fortunes. Whereas Susan feels like she is dying or has died in Micheal’s heart since he is ready to sell her like he would’ve sold a horse in an auction. Hardy uses nature many times in this chapter. At one time when Micheal is auctioning Susan we are told that a sparrow flies in and everyone watches the sparrow till it disappears. This could in fact be showing us Susan’s position. Everyone watches her till she is able to go out of the tent with Newson the sailor. Hardy uses a lot of contrast to show the readers Micheal’s two sides, in this chapter. In the last chapter we saw Micheal in his drunken state which was his dark side. We saw his greed and bad temper. In chapter 2 though we see Micheal when he is sober and when he finds out what he has done. He shows determination in finding his wife and takes responsibility, however even in this chapter we see Micheals bad side when he blames Susan for being simple minded enough to think the auction was binding. Also we see his negative points when he is too proud of himself to tell people why he is searching for his wife. We straight away see that these two sides of Micheals will be a great factor in this book. In this chapter Hardy relives the walk to Weydon-Priors. Only this time the people walking are in a more loving situation. Also there are two women. The women obviously feel love for each other because they are holding each others hands. The fact that they are both wearing black gowns straight away gives us an idea of why these two women have come back this way. Also this is the first time we see Elizabeth- Jane in her grown up state and we see that she is brought up as a very nice girl. Although we see straight away that she is brought up in a rich lifestyle when she tells her mother that the infirmity tent â€Å"isn’t respectable†. At this point e see for the first time that Hardy adds suspence when he decides to bring Susan back to Micheal. The reader wonders why Susan is so determined to meet him. He main question is why ahs Susan never told Elizabeth when she is old enough to know. Casterbridge is described in great detail and because Hardy has a gift for description we can almost see the town come to life. We also find that the town is eager to spread gossip when two women willingly tell Susan about the gossip of the bread and the town. We can see from detailed point that the public will be a very important point in the book. Micheal also reveals his caring point when he tells the towns people that the wheat is not really safe to eat. We also se that Micheal is true to his oath not to drink, when in his meeting he only drinks water. Near the end of the meeting we see the Angry Micheal side when he makes a sharp retort. We see a description of Farfrae and immediately we can tell that he is the total opposite of Henchard. Both in looks and we think in personality. Also through the names of the pubs and inns we can see that maybe Hardy is trying to make a point. When they go to the three mariners then Hardy could be trying to say that they are among the waves of chance. The fact that chance plays a big role in this novel and especially in this chapter. It’s by chance that Farfrae hears about the corn and has the solution or that Elizabeth-Jane notices him and that they all stay at the three mariners. Also the way Michael misses his family by a few minutes on his way to see the man. We can assume that Hardy is proving the powers working against mankind in this chapter. In this chapter we see little irony when Elizabeth-Jane says that they must stay at the fancy inn yet then gets a job as a serving maid which is not too respectable it self. While we can say that Elizabeth-Jane is making sacrifices for her mother, we can still remember that the town’s people have seen Elizabeth serving them and they will remember her face later on. Also in this chapter we pity Michael when we learn that he is lonely and we guess that what he wants is a business partner or a friend. Farfrae is straight away the person that comes to mind. Though again we see a bit of fickleness in Michael’s attitude when he cannot even remember the old mangers name. Farfrae then decides to sing fro the towns people and its by chance that the people are in the mood for his sad songs and Elizabeth-Jane who has been eyeing him, has her heart set on him. When the townspeople talk to Farfrae we know straight away that he has the ability to charm people and when he sings he is charmed them further. We can assume that the reason that the townspeople like the sad songs is because they feel like the story of the song represents them in a way, with their lost ideals. We can even see a bit of this in Micheal himself. Also Elizabeth-Jane misinterprets the songs that Farfrae sings and when her mother says he Elizabeth assumes it’s about Farfrae. These misunderstandings prove to be a problem later on. In the next chapter wee that both Susan and Micheal have to turn towards the younger generation to save themselves. Susan saves her marriage by sending Elizabeth-Jane with the note to Micheal and Micheal saves his business by begging Farfrae to say on as manager. When Elizabeth-Jane takes the walk through the town it creates a time of suspense because it is stalling the meeting between Micheal and Susan and it cuts the conversation between Micheal and Farfrae. Mostly though it shows us just how much power Micheal ahs in his town socially and business wise. Again we see a contrast between Michael’s sides when at first he acts kindly towards Elizabeth-Jane, when he learns who she is. Also when he sends back Susan five guineas we feel that he is almost trying to buy her back since five guineas are how much was paid for her before. Yet we see his cold side again when he coldly turns down Joshua Jopp about his interview and he has created a new enemy at the same time. Later also Micheal explodes on Elizabeth-Jane and cannot even calm himself down. Also in this chapter we see a proud side of Michael when he asks to see Susan in a secret place and will not see her in public incase they might be seen and found out. Slowly we will see this part of his attitude be a big part of his downfall. In the next chapter when Micheal has asked to see Susan in the ring and we get the description of the place it automatically sets a place for something negative to take place. Almost a place where nothing positive can happen. Hardy backs this himself by saying,’ the boys cannot make this a good cricket field’. This ring is maybe meant to show Hardy’s life in a way that Hardy is known for his architecture and his liking to the Greek mythology in a way. The Roundness representing the coliseum and the positiveness being kept away by ghosts of the past like the killed gladiator or the woman who was strangled. This is like a metaphor in a way to their relationship. Micheal will fall in battle and his control is so tight on Susan it might almost be strangling her. The next chapter gives us an idea of our speculation is chapter 3 about another woman in Micheals life. We learn that this woman is infact living in Jersey. We already know that when a person is included in Hardy’s plots he is never easily forgotten so when we hear about this woman we straight away know she will affect the plot. Again this chapter reveals a lot when Micheal reveals to his ‘best friend’ that he is very lonely and would like a friend. We guess straight away that he ahs also made a mistake when he reveals his whole past to someone he has only known for a day. He tells Farfrae everything and doesn’t think of any consequences that could later occur. We see Farfrae first ability in this chapter after he handles his position very well with his new boss. Even though he has plans to eat alone he decides to dine with Micheal and when he is asked about help on how to handle his problem with the lady in Jersey he gives an answer that could start the first sign of discord between the two people. He tells Micheal that he should firstly tell Elizabeth-Jane the truth about her mother and father and he disagrees and gets rather angry. Yet he forgets that it was him who in the first place told him about all his past secrets. In this chapter we finally see Micheal openly court Susan and then propose to her. Even though this should be good new the whole chapter caries ill will which is mostly carried by the townspeople. We can maybe use the nature’s reaction to show out the feelings of Micheal and Susan. When the two enter the church to get married it is raining quite badly and it is very dark almost showing how the two really feel about each other. Hardy uses these nature effects to show the reader how the two feel about each either. By hiding the meaning of the nature effects it almost showing that the two have hidden their feelings about each other. The townspeople also add most of the uneasiness. They don’t actually know the secret about the wedding but they have an idea that something is not right. They immediately feel that Susan is not at the same class as Micheal which is ironic because Michael is the one with the worst background out of the two. In this chapter we know for sure that something about Elizabeth-Jane is being hidden because not only does Micheal keep going on about her hair colour but he starts asking her to change her second name. Also we find out that Micheal maybe getting rather annoyed with Farfrae when he gets angry at little things that Farfrae says. At one time he even dismisses Farfraes opinion by saying â€Å"don’t take too much thought about things.† Also since Elizabeth-Jane has started growing in her new place she starts to bloom a certain beauty. Yet she still remembers her old lifes

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gladiator: Comparison from the movie to actual history Essay

In the movie, many things portrayed are the same as what really happened in Roman history. Some things though, are a little different in the actual history of Rome than in the movie. Scenes were changed in the movie too, to make the plot more interesting. I connected what I could between the movie and the actual history of Rome. Maximus was the general of Rome and a really good general at that. He lead Rome to many victories. He was so great and loyal that in the movie, Marcus Aurelius actually asked him to succeed him in the throne. When Commodus heard this from his father, he killed him and sentenced Maximus to death. When Maximus escaped, he was picked up by a group of men and sold as a slave to become a gladiator. As a gladiator, he fought many different types of gladiators. Quicker ones had nets with tridents and slower ones had curved swords with shields. There were some gladiators that even had chariots. In the actual history of Rome, there really were different types of gladiators. The gladiators with the net and trident were called the retarius. The gladiator with the curved sword and shield were called the samnite. I’m not too sure if there were gladiators that used chariots as their weapons but it sounds likely since it is thought that the colosseum was filled up and used for boat wars. Using chariots would be easy for them and entertaining for the crowd. There’s a scene in the movie where it’s a one on one battle between Maximus and a champion gladiator. Maximus is barely armed and protected. All he has is a sword and shield I believe. The other man has two swords, a mask for protection, and heavy armor. This shows how each type of gladiator was to fight a different kind of gladiator so the match would be even and fair. In the movie, Commodus is very sneaky and vengeful. He uses murder in his politics also. He killed his father, tried to kill Maximus and even wanted to get rid of the senate in order for him to become a â€Å"true emperor.† He thinks the senate is unneeded and believes himself to be more of a people’s person then the actual senators. In history, there was much murder in the government also. The Gracchis were murdered as well as Caesar. Commodus tries to assassinate and kill Maximus since Maximus is supposed to be the successor to the throne after Marcus Aurelius. In Roman History, the Romans  never developed a formal policy of succession. Although many emperors named their successors, the Roman army often refused to accept the new emperors and assassinated them. This is what Commodus tried to do with Maximus in order for himself to become emperor and rule. Gracchus wants the citizens of Rome to be happy in the movie and makes sure the emperor hears the problems and needs of the people when he councils with him. He even suggests possible solutions to the problems. He seems to be a people’s person very much and knows how some of the senators can be crooked. In Roman history, there were actually two Gracchis who were actually both murdered because they were disliked by crooked senators who used violence to get ahead. The real Gracchis wanted to help the citizens out also. They even used public funds to purchase grain to be sold to the poor at low prices so they can afford it. They also improved the political status of the equites (business and land owning people.) Lucillia, sister of Commodus, has a son named Lucius. I did some research to find out that her son was named after his father who died in 169 A.D. His name was Lucius Veras. In the movie, she is portrayed as a widow, but, in real history, she remarries to Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus Quintianus of Antioch. In the movie, she joins the plot for the good of the Roman people but she really participated in this plot because she lusted after power. She also supports her brother in the movie but was actually involved in a plot with her cousin to assassinate Commodus and raise her husband up as emperor. The plan was figured out and she was banished to the island of Capri. In the movie, it shows her as out- living her brother but she is actually executed at the island because he changed his mind. As you can see, many things throughout the movie were the same as to what happened in the history of Rome. A few minor details were changed but nothing too noticeable. The only major difference I could see was in Lucillia and how she was portrayed. Her role had to be changed or else the whole movie would have been different and probably more boring. Definitely when you put the two, movie and history, side-by-side, you see how good of a job they really did sticking to the facts and at the same time, making the  movie wicked-awesome with its totally cool action.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An analysis of Mark Rothko's Essay Example For Students

An analysis of Mark Rothkos Essay There seems to be no shadowing and modeling is poor which makes it difficult to locate one individual light source. It also gives the figures a two dimensional appearance and makes them seem vacant and somber. The tonal range is wide but the use of cool colors (in particular grey and blues) has the effect of distancing the spectator from the scene. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on color rather than detail because the brushwork is crude. These factors lend the scene a cold and somewhat eerie feeling. Rotators repeated use of vertical lines (specifically the railings and pillars) segregates the figures from one another and more significantly, from the spectator. The overlapping of these objects gives the scene perspective, but long with the idea of segregation and a high picture plane, this only serves to further distance the spectator. The two left most pillars are arranged in such a way that they run parallel with the two right most pillars and with the wall at the back left of the scene. Furthermore the figures on the descending staircase and the figures around the ticket booth are along the same parallel plane, and are framed within the pillars. The effect is that the eye is drawn towards the booth along this line, Perhaps then it is no coincidence that the ticket booth also mess to be the location for the vanishing point. These factors would suggest that the implied spectator position is further back along the same line as the ticket booth and the figures on the descending stairs. Roth uses the methods have discussed to distance and segregate the spectator from the scene. Along With his brushwork, lighting and choice Of colors, this lends the painting an eerie atmosphere. As such, Subway Scene is a bleak and cold image that stresses a feeling Of alienation to the spectator.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Commerce Bank Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Commerce Bank - Case Study Example The weakness is the staffing challenge, which will be solved with training more internal workers to curb the emerging trends. The visible opportunities are evident in the New York market where competitors rely on deposits and loans instead of service provision. Commerce bank offers the typical retail banking transactions with a different touch to impress their clients and build a strong reputation in the industry. For instance, the bank ensures that customers have access to their services for longer durations, spanning 12 hours daily. This initiative is to enable the clients receive quality services in all the branches countrywide. Headquartered in the Southern New Jersey, Commerce bank has stores in Pennsylvania, Delaware and New York (Francis & Research Associate Corey Hajim, 2006). Another strategy that makes the bank exceptional is their freedom and experience when handling customer problems and the routine gifts offered to new clients. This enabled the bank to receive more deposits than their competitors, which increased profit margins and liquidity ratio. The bank also grew its customer base through aggressive promotional strategies such as branding roadway kiosks, free customized hot dogs and through the help of vendors. Currently, it offers high market share and a large customer base across the country, which is a competitive advantage. Commerce bank faced the challenge of recruiting the best employees for their jobs. As a result, organizational culture and philosophy were important aspects in determining the best employees. The bank should aim to hire professionals who understand how to handle customers with experience and decency. It is also tricky to acquire the services of experienced workers on a full-time basis since they are already absorbed in other sectors (Francis & Research Associate Corey Hajim, 2006). The company manages its affairs pertaining to both internal and external environments. For instance, in the SWOT analysis, Commerce

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Quantitative and Qualitaitve Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Quantitative and Qualitaitve Analysis - Essay Example hieved through the study and analysis of the structure of the dataset, trends and hypothesis testing in regard to the average or mean of different countries. The paper is going to apply both descriptive and inferential statistics in order to achieve its primary objective which is comparison of CCI between various countries and regions in Europe. The data on Consumer Confidence Indicator (CCI) was collected using survey questionnaires. These questionnaires are made up of combination of questions regarding any possible indicators consumption. Twelve questions were included in the questionnaire but one of the questions was excluded since there was no coordination across the selected nations. Questionnaires were distributed randomly to respondents in the selected regions. A household was allowed to fill only one questionnaire since the intentions of a household whether to save or spend is a potential variable that reflects its budget limit. Thus, this forms a household consumption indicator that is computed recorded and used in computations of the national or regional consumer index (Merkle, Langer & Sussman, 2004). The dataset has six distinct variables. Five of the variables are the consumer confidence indicators of different European nations and regions whereas one variable is coded 0 and 1 for the purposes of comparison of CCI between two variables; Cyprus and Greece. This variable is based on a group of European nations that take part in global economics. It is abbreviated as EU.CONS in the dataset. Just like other variables, this variable has 131 observations, measured and recorded on a ratio scale. This variable is based on a European monetary union comprising of 19 nations that are using euro (â‚ ¬) as a common currency. It is abbreviated as EA.CONS in the dataset and has a total of 131 observations measured and recorded on a ratio scale. is the sixth variable that compares CCI of Cyprus and Greece. It is assigned values 1 if CCI of Cyprus is

MEMO Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MEMO - Assignment Example FICO scores are reviewed by almost all lender agencies in America, before they arrive at credit decisions to offer their customers credit. For that reason, through the proper usage and incorporation of the scores, as a banker, you will be able to avoid customers with poor credit history, which will improve the financial performance of Fidelity bank. Overview of the main Fico Scores The FICO scores of customers will take into account, five main information categories that relate to the customer’s credit profile. When using FICO scores to determine the customers that can be offered loans, the chart given below displays the comparative weight offered to the different score areas. The 5 main areas featured in FICO scoring and their relative weight The review of the different ingredients of the FICO scores 1. Payment history The payment history of the customer contributes about 35 percent of their FICO score. The information reflects their information on different financial account s and areas. The different accounts reflected through the information include Credit card worth and standing, for cards like MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express. The second accounts featured are retail accounts, where the customer’s financial operations reflect the credit collected from outlets where they do business – showing the credit cards used at departmental stores, and the credit history maintained. The third account reflected is installment loans, where regular reimbursements for loans like mortgages or car loans are reflected. The fourth account reflected through the payment history is finance company records. Additionally, collection items and public records are reflected, giving information on events like foreclosures, bankruptcies, wage attachments, lawsuits, judgment and liens. Lastly, this score area gives information on the accounts that don’t show late payments, and whose financial obligations are met as agreed upon. From the informat ion captured about the different accounts and fields named before, you will use your judgment to verify whether the given customer has shown a history of repaying loans and whether their financial standing warrants the loan they are asking for. Therefore; based on the information captured, you will only offer credit to a customer with a favorable credit history and avoid those with poor payment history, because a poor history shows that they are more likely to give problems when repaying the credit. 2. The second area where you need to pay much attention is the field of the amounts owed. This information reflects about 30 percent of a customer’s FICO scores, which indicates their level of indebtedness. The areas reflected by this variable include the amounts owed for the different accounts held by the customer, the amounts apportioned to different account types, the balances from different account types, the proportion of the credit consumed through credit cards among other c redit accounts and how much the customer is yet to pay, on different loan amounts. Through the review of this score area, as bankers you will determine the level of debt that the customer has collected, which can influence their ability and their pattern of loan repayment. For example, from the case of a customer who has used larger proportions of their

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Was World War II Ultimately Beneficial for the US and the Rest of the Research Paper

Was World War II Ultimately Beneficial for the US and the Rest of the World - Research Paper Example ... since the end of the Second World War, there are two major features of the capitalist world that immediately stand out and call for remark. Firstly there is the marked extension in American and in Western Europe of the economic activities of the state: developments, to a large extent novel both in degree and in kind, of what have been variously called State Capitalism or State Monopoly Capitalism. Secondly, on a world scale there is the radical change in the position of large areas of the former colonial and semi-colonial sector, especially in Asia and Africa, and consequently in the relations, both political and economic, between these areas and the imperialist countries, to which they were formerly subordinated. (Dobb 387) The USA was the only country whose economy boomed during the war. Not a single enemy stepped on its soils and the lives of a few civilians were sacrificed. Even the army did not suffer a heavy loss in terms of causalities. â€Å"... the economic prosperity c reated by World War II left a deep impression on the American people. Before the war, the United States was mired in the Great Depression. Unemployment which was as high as 29.4% in 1933 still averaged 14.6% in 1940. During the war, unemployment dropped rapidly.† (Degrasse 36) This was not true for other countries though- the USSR, Japan, Germany, China, France, Britain, Greece, Holland, and other countries suffered heavy losses. The aftermath of the war was horrifying for the rest of the world. â€Å"... with increasing acknowledgement of the United States’ status as the leading democratic power came increased acceptance of responsibility in the global arena... Perhaps with constructive American involvement a better world could be shaped, a world more prosperous, free, democratic and safe.† (Price 71) Decolonization was not only in the interest of the colonies but of the US as well. The US was dreading another depression at the end of the Second World War, and w as planning to market its products to the former colonies in Asia and Africa. This was not possible as the colonialist powers would never have granted access to the US as long as they remained in power. The US was also determined to decolonize subjugated nations because of its ideals of equality, freedom and democracy. The US also had its deep interests in the Middle East region and wanted to establish its oil exploring companies permanently over there. This was only possible if this region was decolonized so that America could build its dreams. The colonialists themselves were finding it hard to resist the pressure coming from the colonies for independence- most notable from India. Post-Second World War scenario was already very challenging for them to handle matters at home. Therefore, a weakened Europe was ready to decolonize its territories. Cold War was also a consequential factor of the Second World War. The Nazi Germany fell in 1945 and was divided into 4 military occupation zones occupied by France, Great Britain, USA and Soviet Union. It faced a terrible time of hyperinflation and was rescued by the Marshal Plan to some extent. At the end of the war the problem of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Geomorphology Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Geomorphology - Lab Report Example Why did you choose this angle? (5 pts) 4. A local business informs you they have a 1 m-thick rock slab with a density of 1000 kg m-3 lying in their backyard that slopes at 25 degrees. Given normal weather conditions and unsaturated soils, will this rock slide and potentially destroy their business? Justify your answer in terms of angle, Driving and Resisting forces. (5 pts) Normal forces or resting forces on a boulder cliff tends to restrict the movement of an object. The angle of the slope is a contributing factor to the movement of a boulder along a hill slope. Additionally, the stability of the slope also affects the movement of an object. In this case, factors such as friction and cohesion determine how fast an object moves (Lemke). 2. Based on your scatter plot and knowledge acquired from your textbook, what is the critical angle, in degrees, that determines if the boulder would move, or not? Why did you choose this angle? (5 pts) The critical angle for determining whether the boulder would move, or not is 45.840 degrees. At this point, the boulder would assume a stationery motion. The value is arrived by observing the point of intersection between the curves of shear and normal stress. 4. A local business informs you they have a 1 m-thick rock slab with a density of 1000 kg m-3 lying in their backyard that slopes at 25 degrees. Given normal weather conditions and unsaturated soils, will this rock slide and potentially destroy their business? Justify your answer in terms of angle, Driving and Resisting forces. (5 pts) At 25 degrees, the sheer force on the rock will be 984.807753 while the normal stress will be 173.6481777 (in the opposite direction). This means that the forces propelling the rock slab downwards are greater than the resisting forces. Assuming that the weather conditions remain at normal levels it is highly